Leaving Limoux
Jerome and Tom heading towards the Col du Villa

Descending to Puivert
We passed through Puivert and began a long steady climb up towards Montsegur. The mountains and landscape are more dramatic here. Rolling hills give way to steep canyons and increasingly higher peaks. Eventually the road pitches upwards and the climb to the Col du Montsegur begins in earnest. Matt and I enjoyed a bit of friendly competition and rode hard up the climb. Near the top, I attacked way too soon and ran out of gas 250m short of the col. Matt spun past and took the polka dot jersey. At this point we were pretty spent, and a truce was soon declared. Robert was waiting at the top, and the others soon followed.
Riding up the valley with Montsegur towering above
Looking down on Paul from one of the huge switchbacks
Having dropped me again, Matt pulls over the Col du Montsegur. Robert looks on.
Matt and Rich
Hydration stop
Descending from Montsegur. Very fast
We rode down for a coffee stop to Levelanet, start town of Stage 12 of this year's Tour de France. The hottest climb of the day followed as we ascended straight into the sun over the Col St. Benoit. Our reward was a relatively easy spin through the sunflower fields back home.
C'est magnifique!

Profile and map of today's ride.
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