Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pray for Snow Ride -- Squaw Valley to Reno

We are up in Tahoe for Thanksgiving but sadly there is no snow to speak of. So of course I brought my bike up (together with some cold weather gear) to try and sneak in a ride. My theory being that if I bring my bike up for some fair weather riding, why then surely it will snow. Kind of like how it only rains right after you finally wash your car.

Well, as you can guess it did not snow. Not even close. But it turned out OK anyway. On the day after "Black Friday", we intended to head down to Reno to do some big box retailing and hit the Patagonia outlet. I decided to ride the bike there and meet Dana and the kids. Although I was about 20 minutes late on my estimated meeting time (due to lots of stoplights up S. Virginia St.), the plan went off without a hitch. The ride was pretty cold starting out around 9am, but I warmed up quickly and it ended up being perfect.

Distance: About 60miles
Time: About 3:20
Climbing: Just under 5,000'


Leaving Squaw Valley

Martis Valley, looking over at Northstar

A good climb up Hwy 267 to Brockway Summit, then a positively SCREAMING downhill to Kings Beach. You go 40mph without even pedalling once over the summit. A bit faster if you are pushing some watts.
At Kings Beach
Up the Mt. Rose Highway

Looking down to Reno. That white dot in the middle is a casino lying around 4,400 vertical feet below. Its all downhill from here.

Had to take it very easy near the top due to potential icy spots. Yikes!

Cool view out to the Washoe Lake area from the Mt. Rose Hwy.

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