An otherwise great ride home marred today by some self-absorbed prick who insisted on blowing by all four of us at warp speed with millimeters to spare, having dispensed no courtesy warning whatsoever, and the dastardly deed having been consummated just as we were slowly and courteously passing a dad with his little girl on the west side of the Golden Gate Bridge. Ths Shitbox nearly crashed all of us into the family. Unreal behavior. Guys like this are what cause everyone to hate cyclists. [and before you make assumptions, no, we were not dragging ass and taking up the entire path -- this guy was just in some kind of hurry and treating the bridge as his own personal time trial course].
In happier news, it was a glorious day out there and the ride was fantastic but for the douchery described above. It was almost 80 degrees on the sunny side of the bridge and fog free. Could the good fall weather be here at last? Hope so.

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