I returned home from Kauai to some incredible weather in Northern California. The mid-January "thaw" (or "June-u-ary", as my skiing friends like to call it) is always fairly predictable around here after the equally predictable New Year's storms. But this year it is ridiculous. Long rides with no leg warmers or vest. 65-70 degree high temps. Crazy. I could get used to this global warming thing if it weren't for the loss of the polar bears and the Maldives. Friday afternoon's ride home over the bridge was about as good as it gets.
But all good things must come to an end. Of course nothing is guaranteed to make the weather turn foul like the staging of a major bike race in California. Last year's ToC sported some crazy rain and winds, especially on the Big Sur coast stage. Phil Liggett called it "absolutely diabolical" and Levi said it was one of his top three worst days on a bike. Well, Levi (and Lance!) are back this week for an Astana training camp in Santa Rosa getting ready for the ToC. This means rain is in the forecast. Weds through Saturday is gonna be wet. Have fun guys!
But all good things must come to an end. Of course nothing is guaranteed to make the weather turn foul like the staging of a major bike race in California. Last year's ToC sported some crazy rain and winds, especially on the Big Sur coast stage. Phil Liggett called it "absolutely diabolical" and Levi said it was one of his top three worst days on a bike. Well, Levi (and Lance!) are back this week for an Astana training camp in Santa Rosa getting ready for the ToC. This means rain is in the forecast. Weds through Saturday is gonna be wet. Have fun guys!

In addition to the rain, and contributing to the damper on the fine local riding, Loren reports on a lame tack throwing incident somewhere in a local bike lane. I hate flats, especially when caused by thoughtless jackasses.
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