Monday, June 30, 2008

Beach Run with Kid in Tow!

We had some nice weather here last week and I wanted to go on a monster training ride. But I (understandably) got "the look" from my wife Dana and I knew it wasn't going to happen. So I did what any reasonable dad would do when needing a workout but also having kid duty on a glorious day -- BEACH RUN!!!

The Objective -- the beach at Crissy Field in San Francisco, about 14 miles away, and over a cool bridge. The Passenger -- my four year old daughter Sarah.

We put the hammer down and despite the fat knobby tires and the trailing load, we passed quite a few roadie types. It was cool to see the look on people's faces when they got passed on the steep bridge hill by a dude on an MTB trailing a kid yelling "GO DADDY!"

Made it to the bridge! Sarah's first time crossing over in anything not having an internal combustion engine. She's smiling in there, you just can't tell from the photo.

We got to the beach at Crissy Field and my buddy EB was there waiting with a cold cooler full of Pacificos. Sarah definitely enjoyed the rare 90 degree weather on the bay.

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